1142 Pond Ridge

Rochester MI 48085


3923 Forge Dr

Troy MI 48083



856 Vanderpool

Troy MI 48888

Thank you for:
... giving us a chance as your new dessert spot
... sharing our story with your friends
... being graceful on those occasions when we might have missed your expectations
... making us a favorite Michigan Ice Cream spot. 
... AND… for helping us bring water and hope to thousands of people in Kenya through #CUPFORCUP

On this important milestone… we have another announcement to make… we’re multiplying. 
Many of you honored us with your question of “when will you be coming to our city”: well, now we finally say "soon". We’re embarking on a new journey of spreading the “Nice” and the Nicecream to more places and communities, only it will be called….(drum roll please)… MILKSTER NITROGEN CREAMERY. Yes… like “hipster” and like “milk stir” because we will be stirring the milk (& cream) like a hipster. We hope you’ll cheer us on in this new endeavor to bring our awesome Nicecream to more people.  Our motto, “we believe dessert can change the world” will remain the same!

Our transition will be done in phases so it may take some time to complete our new look. 

More information will be posted soon on our website and social media about the FRANCHISING opportunities available. In the mean time, you can sign up to received more information on our FRANCHISE page. 

Thank you once again we hope you’ll continue to support us as we continue to bring water and hope to more people in need.